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Four adult and four foal molds are known. Since they are not referenced by Kid Kore, they have been given unofficial names for easy cataloguing. So far, in-package examples suggest that the same adult mold is almost always paired with the same foal mold and none are sold without the other, but there is at least one in-package example of a different mare and foal pairing than usual. The large horse molds with rooted hair were unique to the sets that included minis and were distinctly different from the less realistic style used in the other Stable Champion and SRC Riding Club series that feature dolls.


All mini horse molds have KID KORE 1999 CHINA stamped on the belly.


Walking Mare

Head and right front leg are raised, tail attached to body


Trotting Mare

Left front leg is raised, tail attached to body


Cantering Mare

Left front leg raised, tail detached from body


Prancing Mare

Right front leg raised, tail detached from body


Rearing Foal

Rearing on two legs, tail touches ground


Lying Foal

Lying down, right front leg extended


Standing Foal

Left side feet close, right side feet apart


Pacing Foal

Left legs forward together, right legs back together

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